
What is an Adult Carer Support Plan?

What_to_expect_when_you_make_an_adult_carer_support_planYou can talk about anything during the preparation for an Adult Carer Support Plan.

You might find it helpful to think about:

  • what caring tasks you do and how you feel about doing them
  • your relationship with the person you care for
  • if you get enough time for yourself – for example time to get out and about, meet other people and take part in leisure activities
  • how caring is affecting your mental and physical health
  • how caring is affecting your relationships with others
  • how caring is affecting your education and work life
  • whether the person you’re caring for is getting enough help
  • how willing or able to you are to carry on caring
  • what would help make things easier for you

If you live in Scotland

In Scotland, a carers’ assessment is called an Adult Carer Support Plan. Your local council might still refer to it as a carers’ assessment.

Whilst each council will have their own way of carrying out an ACSP, they must always cover:

  • the nature and extent of the care you provide, and how this impacts your wellbeing,
  • how willing to able you are to provide care,
  • emergency plans,
  • future care plans,
  • information about the support that will be provided to meet your identified needs,
  • whether your support should include a short break from caring /planned regular breaks from caring,
  • when the plan should be reviewed (and in subsequent reviews what impact the plan has had on achieving your personal outcomes).

For more information about Adult Carer Support Plans please contact the Carers’ Centre on 0141 370 1100 or