
You must spend at least 35 hours a week caring to claim Carer’s Allowance.

The person you care for must claim Personal Independence Payment (PIP) daily living component at any rate, Attendance Allowance (AA) or Disability Living Allowance (DLA) care component at the middle or higher rate.

You also need to:

  • be 16 or over, and
  • not be in full time education (this is usually over 21 hours study a week but for more information see full time students and Carer’s Allowance on NHS Choices)
  • earn less than £110 per week (remember only your income is counted, your partner’s income and savings are ignored).

There are also rules about living in the UK so check all the rules about Eligibility for Carer’s Allowance on

You can still claim:

  • if you don’t live with the person you care for
  • if you aren’t related to the person you care for
  • if you have savings or own your own home

Contact your local carer service to see if they have an advisor who can help you work out if you qualify for Carer’s Allowance and if there are any other benefits you could claim.