‘Looking after someone’ is our guide for anyone caring for family or friends. The guide outlines your rights as a carer and gives an overview of the practical and financial support available
The Carers UK Looking after someone guide is divided into the following sections: getting help and support, your finances and your work. Click HERE to access your own copy.
The guide includes:
- This edition includes A Carer’s Guide: an illustrated introduction to the challenges of caring, from making difficult decisions to looking after your health and wellbeing.
- Benefits: an overview of which benefits you or the person you can for may be entitled to and information about how to get a benefits check.
- Other financial help: including help with council tax, fuel costs, pensions and health costs.
- Practical help: including community care assessment, carer’s assessment and direct payments.
- Technology: information about health and care technology that could make life easier for you and the person you care for.
- Your workplace: your rights at work, from flexible working and parental leave to protection from discrimination.
- Other help: how to find other help nationally and in your local community.
- https://www.carersuk.org/help-and-advice/get-resources/looking-after-someone