I am sure like the rest of us you are keeping up to date with the situation regarding Coronavirus. I am afraid that the Carers Centre is cancelling all but vital appointments and meetings for the foreseeable future.
Anyone providing regular support to a vulnerable friend or relative will want to do what they can to protect their own health and that of those they look after during the coronavirus outbreak.
Like everyone, unpaid carers (including young carers) and people being cared for should familiarise themselves with the public health advice on how to protect themselves from infection. As the situation is changing quickly, the guidance may also change, so carers should therefore check regularly to make sure they are following the latest guidance at:
Carers who do not already have an emergency plan in place may also want to talk with family and friends about who could take over their caring role if they become ill or need to self-isolate – particularly while social work services are under additional pressure during the coronavirus outbreak.
It will also be important to make sure you have key information about the person you care for easily available – so that anyone taking over care has all the information they need.
The Centre has a template form that you might find useful and I would ask that if you want a copy you contact the Centre using the details below.
If you want information, support or advice with this contact:
East Renfrewshire Carers Centre Tel: 0141 638 4888
Mon – Thurs 8.45am to 4.45pm Fri 8.45 am to 3.55pm.
It may become necessary in the near future to close the Centre so contact details for staff are below.
Mark Mulhern 07763 010897, mark@eastrenfrewshirecarers.co.uk
Adult Carers
Claire Caird 07748 097 434, claire@eastrenfrewshirecarers.co.uk
Christine McKenzie 07759 911677, christine@eastrenfrewshirecarers.co.uk
Karen Guthrie 07840 292498, karen@eastrenfrewshirecarers.co.uk
Young Carers
Anna Houston 07902 643686, anna@eastrenfrewshirecarers.co.uk
Adele Brown 07988 391 648, adele@eastrenfrewshirecarers.co.uk
Admin and general office enquiries
Allison McWhirter 07544 519055, allison@eastrenfrewshirecarers.co.uk
Where carers and family and friends are unable to provide essential care for someone, they should contact:
East Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership Initial Contact Team Tel: 0141 800 7850 or out of hours Social Work on 0300 243 1505
Finally please see NHS 24 for advice on coronavirus symptoms; precautions to take; and what to do if you think you may have become ill with coronavirus – www.nhs24.scot
Hope you all take care and stay well.