Unfortunately caring can take its toll on the physical and emotional wellbeing of carers and we therefore provide a range of activities that support carers’ health & wellbeing.
We would encourage carers to inform their GP about their caring role and any health issues that may arise from this.
Upcoming events will be listed in the upcoming events section of the website, but recent examples include:
- 1:1 Stress Management sessions
- 1:1 Cognitive Behaviour sessions
- Relaxation
- Yoga
- Mindfulness
- Walking Groups
- Group Stress Management
- Aromatherapies
We also facilitate peer support groups which give carers the chance to meet other carers in similar situations and have a coffee and chat about anything from caring to Corrie.
There is also lots of activities going on throughout East Renfrewshire in places like libraries, community groups and church halls that support carers’ wellbeing and we will do our best to signpost you to the right support for you.
Links for Support Below –
- Mindfulnessassociation.net – free daily meditation. Online courses available.
- Headspace.com – meditation made simple. Subscription based.
- Tara Brach.com – Tara offers meditation, emotional healing and spiritual awareness
Stress Management
- Stresscontrol.com – free online stress management courses led by Dr Jim White
- Wellbeing-glasgow.org.uk – online self-help booklets to download. Support for many mental health conditions. Audio and visual resources including relaxation.
- Llttf.com – free online course based on the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy principle (CBT). Helpful for stress, low level anxiety and depression.
- Wellbeing-glasgow.org.uk – audio resources provide a range of relaxations to help deal with stress and anxiety.
Yogawithadriene.com – online yoga. Can be accessed through Adriene’s website of You Tube.
- Drwaynedyer.com – the late Dr Wayne was an international speaker in the field of self-development.
- Eckharttolle.com – provides spiritual teachings and inspirational talks. Can also be accessed on You Tube.
- Tarabrach.com – provides spiritual teachings and meditation.
- www.actionforhappiness – helps people take action for a happier and kinder world. Mindful approach. Evidence based.
- www.nhsinform.scot
- www.nhs.uk>livewell>eatwell