The State of Caring 2022 report was recently released- the largest and most comprehensive survey of unpaid carers. This year, a record number of carers took part, with over 12,400 current carers helping us paint a picture of caring in 2022.
It is clear from carers’ responses that the cost of living crisis has created unprecedented pressure for carers, which has not only affected their finances but their health and wellbeing.
The report found that:
• Many carers are facing serious difficulties in getting NHS treatment – of those waiting for specialist treatment or assessment, a third have been waiting for over a year.
• Two thirds of those waiting for treatment said that waiting is having a negative impact on their physical or mental health.
• 41% of carers haven’t taken a break from their caring role in the last year.
• Half of all carers took over a year to recognise their caring role, with over a third taking over three years to recognise themselves as a carer.
• 75% of carers worry about continuing to juggle work and care going forward.
• With many services being reduced or cut completely, carers are extremely worried about the future: 61% said they were uncertain about what practical support they might be able to access in the next 12 months.