Come join Sarah McBride, from the East Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau, who will be chatting to us about the new Older People’s Project. The main aim of this project is to encourage older people within East Renfrewshire to claim benefits that they may be entitled to. Unfortunately, it is all too common for older people across East Renfrewshire to struggle with their finances. With rising utility bills and lower pensions, more and more people are forced into making sacrifices for the sake of their finances.

However, there are some helpful benefits which are available for pensioners and older people. There are a range of social security payments, including Pension Credit, Council Tax Reduction, Attendance Allowance and Older Carers.

The information session will be on Wednesday 9th August, at 10.30am, at our office in Sandler’s Cottage, No 2 Eastwood Park, Giffnock. Questions will also be welcome at the end of the session.

If you could email to let us know you are coming by Monday 7th August that would be great. We need to know how many people will be attending so we have enough seating.
Looking forward to seeing some of you there ⭐